Big muscle gay videos

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He played the part of Bones in the Demetrius Navarro, Valente Rodriguez production, The Big Shot, a film about two small time film producers who have to make a successful movie as they are under pressure from their exec producer. In 2014 he appeared in the episode Road to Natesville, from the TV series, Raising Hope, playing the part of Brett. The film starred Shelley Long, Gary Valentine and Dean Cain. Another film released that year was The Dog Who Saved the Holidays, a film about a crime busting Labrador called Zeus. The following year he appeared in the film Applebaum.

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One of his early acting roles was in the 2011 film Wonder Woman. He also has music videos, Mukbangs and short skits on his channel. His channel is mainly about bodybuilding and he talks about how to workout and train with limited equipment. He runs a fitness YouTube channel which as of Aphas amassed over 2.3 million subscribers and over 400+ million views on his channel. He also made an appearance in the music video for country singer Jamey Johnson.

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Kali Muscle has appeared as the bodybuilder in the Geico ad where he directs traffic.

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